
vegan gluten-free lactose-free
Blumenstraße 3, 30159 Hanover, Germany
+49 511 321 288

Opening hours

Monday 12:00–23:00
Tuesday 12:00–23:00
Wednesday 12:00–23:00
Thursday 12:00–23:00
Friday 12:00–23:00
Saturday 12:00–23:00
(can vary during public holidays)

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4.2 stars from 19 customers

  • A photo of Hannah Baerbaum

    Sehr leckeres Essen und freundliche Bedienung

    Hannah Baerbaum07-01-2017, 13:14
  • A photo of Michael H. Loddeke

    Leckeres Mittagessen mit Tomatensuppe, Fenchel-Paprikagemüse mit Katoffelecken und Bulgurbratling sowie Pilzpfanne und Melonenkompott.

    Michael H. Loddeke22-08-2016, 13:27
Ratings 11–12 of 12