
vegan vegetarian omnivorous gluten-free lactose-free raw food
Obermünsterstraße 13, 93047 Regensburg, Germany
+49 941 899 76935

Opening hours

Monday 11:00–21:00
Tuesday 11:00–21:00
Wednesday 11:00–21:00
Thursday 11:00–21:00
Friday 11:00–21:00
Saturday 11:00–21:00
(can vary during public holidays)

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4.8 stars from 20 customers

  • A photo of Steven Rossbach

    Sehr leckeres und frisches Essen. Einmal pro Woche muss das Kuk Vegave für mich sein. 😋

    Steven Rossbach23-02-2017, 17:46
  • A photo of Susanne Walter

    Super leckeres Essen und sehr nett!

    Susanne Walter21-10-2016, 08:36
  • A photo of Thomas Leidner

    Tolles Essen und super nettes Personal

    Thomas Leidner25-01-2016, 18:42
  • A photo of Mathias Nagler

    Super leckeres Essen!

    Mathias Nagler07-12-2015, 18:09
Ratings 6–9 of 9