L’Italiano Originale
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L’Italiano Originale

L’Italiano Originale

vegan vegetarian omnivorous lactose-free
Kolpingstraße 45, 73732 Esslingen, Germany
+49 711 504 92160

Opening hours

Sunday 17:00–22:00
Tuesday 17:00–22:00
Wednesday 17:00–22:00
Thursday 17:00–22:00
Friday 17:00–22:00
Saturday 17:00–22:00
(can vary during public holidays)

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5.0 stars from 2 customers

  • A photo of Lilly

    Super leckere vegane Pizza! Selten eine bessere gegessen !!

    Lilly09-03-2021, 08:47
  • A photo of Nicla C.

    Super leckere vegane pizza

    Nicla C.26-01-2020, 18:20
Ratings 1–2 of 2