Om Nom Nom

vegan lactose-free
Oberländerstraße 24a, 81371 Munich, Germany
+49 89 767 02464

Opening hours

Sunday Closed
Monday 10:00–16:00
Tuesday 10:00–16:00
Wednesday 10:00–16:00
Thursday 10:00–18:00
Friday 10:00–18:00
Saturday 10:00–16:00
(can vary during public holidays)
Public holiday Closed

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5.0 stars from 3 customers

  • A photo of Pipet

    Sehr leckeren "Käse", super freundlich InhaberInnen und köstliches Essen... Nicht zu vergessen die Leckereien ... ToP👌🏻

    Pipet 09-03-2021, 16:58
  • A photo of Alexandra Zeise

    Mega vegane Käseauswahl! Sehr freundlich.

    Alexandra Zeise25-10-2020, 14:29
  • Super nice - amazing cheese - great tea. Didn’t try the food as I was full but definitely will later!

    Anita29-09-2020, 12:39
Ratings 1–3 of 3