Hang Loose

vegan lactose-free
One comment$
Samerstraße 12, 83022 Rosenheim, Germany
+49 8031 350 9788

Opening hours

Tuesday 11:00–22:00
Wednesday 11:00–22:00
Thursday 11:00–22:00
Friday 11:00–22:00
Saturday 11:00–22:00
(can vary during public holidays)

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5.0 stars from 2 customers

  • A photo of Stanley

    Burger, Wraps, Döner, Dürüm und Beilagen. Alles vegan und super lecker. Und das ganze zu moderaten Preisen! Danach noch einen veganen Kuchen und Abends in die Cocktailbar. Was will man mehr.

    Stanley18-07-2020, 20:17
Ratings 1–1 of 1