Rockkneipe Tröte
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Rockkneipe Tröte

Rockkneipe Tröte

vegan lactose-free
One comment$
Winziger Platz 3, 59872 Meschede, Germany
+49 291 583 11

Opening hours

Thursday 20:00–00:00
Friday 20:00–03:00
Saturday 20:00–03:00
(can vary during public holidays)

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5.0 stars from one customer

  • A photo of Si-Wi-Ed Govegan

    Wirklich ALLES super! Super Musik, super Essen, super Wirtin, super Bedienung, super PubQuiz,.... Die beste Kneipe überhaupt 👍

    Si-Wi-Ed Govegan04-02-2021, 15:55
Ratings 1–1 of 1